Thursday, September 17, 2009

Damn it...

People are going to die because of this. PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE!

To all appearances, Mr. Obama just traded the safety of our friends in Poland and Czechoslovakia for friendship with Putin. Tell me why this is not the case.

We have a coward for a president.


Blogger alder tree said...

As I understand it, the Bush plan was approved by Poland's foreign minister, but never ratified by its Parliament. So neither country was exactly eager to build (since it would have also strained their relations with Russia).

Second, since work had not begun on the defense system (click here to see the current state of the property), it would take us at least seven years to build everything. The new missile-defense system which is sea-based, however, would be operational sooner and directed to the more immediate threat from Iran, short- and medium-range missiles.

But I suppose all this depends on whether you believe Robert Gates when he says that they have re-assessed the threat.

4:34 PM, September 19, 2009  

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